I love, truly love meeting new people. Not so much in large groups. I’m not always comfortable networking for example. I’m more of a face to face person. One to one to get to know someone more. Preferably somewhere where I can actually hear what they’re saying. Now more than ever, when we’re spending more time looking at a screen of some sort, what I’m seeing is more ‘disconnection’ and as a result a great loss at so many social levels. So much can be misconstrued by inappropriate abbreviation in texting and emails. Paper trails may be essential for many things but even over the phone, so much more of a connection can be made when you can ‘hear’ the feeling behind what is being said. And in person, that’s where relationships are at their best. Social media has its place. It is of immense value when selectively used. When, that is and not stealing my most valuable asset of all..
Now there is no escape. Social media is something I’ve been avoiding. Call me the ostrich. Head in the sand. Yep. Well and truly buried.
By nature I am not happy blowing my own trumpet and I lack the self discipline to really learn how to use the amazing social media platforms out there, which are multiplying by the minute. So how can people get to know me, as a professional and more importantly as a person if I do not engage. Is linked in really a true representation of what we have to offer? Are people really what they seem? As good as they profess? Must I really play the ‘game? The answer is a resounding YES. Let it be known I am a self confessed ‘TWIT-NIT’ and it’s time to challenge myself, so apologies now in advance for the inevitable blunders which will come. Time to jump into the playground, I could be the one left to play alone and that’s no fun whatsoever!
When to walk
The issue of collaboration constantly arises – regardless of company size, organisational type, in a professional or personal capacity. Or more accurately, what is to be done when deadlines approach and you’re getting no-where fast. For me, it’s always a tough one. As a business coach and a trainer specialising in communication – yep, you get the picture. BUT it has to be about the deliverables. As the old saying goes, the show must go on and unless it is truly a question of life or death, then it’s a question of doing whatever it takes. Job done, then it’s time to withdraw and stop ‘sweeping water uphill with a rake’. I do my best to separate the behaviour from the person, as who knows what’s been going on in the life of the perhaps unwitting saboteur. But hold on, shouldn’t that work both ways? It’s been a tough week and I’m relieved that my sister is ok…. Perspective. Perspective. Perspective.
human capital..?
So much is written about companies investing in their staff. They pay huge (sometimes well earned) recruitment fees to find the right employees. Then pay for them to move countries often, settle their families and then – it’s a case of sink or swim. People, that’s all of us. People are assets. People are what companies invest in. But to what degree? How much practical help is given to non native English Speaking International Employees? How quickly are they able to integrate, engage and actively contribute and belong? Language competency in a language that is not your own is only one part of the equation, having the confidence to use it is another, making a real connection is where the magic happens. Only when a person feels comfortable will they begin to fully integrate. Only when they fully integrate can they engage. Only when they can engage will they contribute fully to their team and their company.
If this post resonates with you, either as an HR Professional, or an international employee,I’d love to hear your views. You can also contact me directly to hear more about how Much More than Words can help.
When English is not your first language and giving presentations stresses you out, then I have a solution…
If you really want to boost your English Language Competency & Essential Communication Skills, then much more than words could be for you. You may already have a good command and understanding of the English Language, or perhaps understand a reasonable amount, but every time you want to contribute something to the conversation, BANG, the moment has gone. You stand up to give a presentation and your mind goes blank. You freeze. Do not panic! Once we’ve worked with you and you know how to communicate and present effectively – and as importantly you understand why you feel the way you do, you’ll be fine !
If you’re interested, check out the website and contact us to reserve your place..fast !
this time last year
I was wondering about legacy in August of last year. What on earth am I doing? Where am I going?
Well, sometimes things happen and the dots begin to join. and I will be writing more on this as the year goes by. Sometimes we think we’re doing nothing, I’ve learnt that isn’t so. Sometimes we’re ‘processing’ and at a deeper level the plan, albeit slowly, takes shape.. so be patient, all you movers and shakers out there. It all becomes clearer in the end, even if where you start is not where it stops!
Good things..take time !
Basic Human Needs
Warmth, Daylight, Love
Some years back I’ house and cat sat’ for friends. As my cottage was due to be renovated at the time and let us say, conditions were fairly primitive, I leapt at the opportunity. Having to light a stove to heat one room in my cottage simply to keep warm and have hot water is not something I wish on anyone for a prolonged period of time.
However, I digress. One morning during this house sitting gig, I awoke to a winter wonderland and stood in front of the window, basking in the natural daylight which flooded the room and and warmed me to the core. After an incredibly restorative night’s sleep, when for once I didn’t wake up with either water coming through the roof, or because of the freezing cold wind howling through my cottage, I made my way to the kitchen, luxuriating as I felt the warmth of the house underfoot, no need to huddle and shiver here as I made my first coffee of the day. The cats, rubbing gently around my legs, talking as if they too, were welcoming the new day. They’re great company, these cats, they never bother you for food, they’re good natured and love company. They just like to know you’re there and they remind me that I am not alone.
What’s my point? Gratitude, for this short burst of comfort. Gratitude, for the trust that is bestowed on me. Gratitude, for I know that even though my cottage is primitive now, it will, before too much longer, be a haven for me. Gratitude, for the experience of hardship and all this long process of waiting for my home to take shape has taught me. Gratitude too, for all the good that the hardship seems to have brought me. Gratitude, for the friendships housesitting has given me. Gratitude, for the opportunities for learning experiencing hardships I won’t go into here have taught me. Gratitude, for the experience of humiliation of business failure and relaunching myself to do what I now do, something I believe I was always meant to do. Gratitude, for life itself.
a sitting duck
I facilitate an awful lot. Only in recent years have I recognised I can control tricky situations. It may not be to everyone’s satisfaction, but sometimes, yes, sometimes it can go ‘pear-shaped’ and you have to ride it out. You cannot let the behaviour of one individual affect the enjoyment of a group. Such an experience happened recently when sadly the person responsible for causing disruption took umbrage and stormed off. Yes, I was swiped with the ‘wet mackerel’. I was that sitting duck. That night the show had to go on. What did I learn? That no matter what you do, sometimes, if the ‘lid is going to flip and you’re in it’s way, you’ll get the full blast. Nothing can be done except ride it out. Expect nothing but silence. Rarely will anyone come forward to reassure you that you did all you could and in all likelihood, they would have done the same. Certainly there will be opinions on how else it could have been handled. In the end whatever you decided to do, you did your best, at that time with all the knowledge, experience and good intention possible. I did. Regardless, I am sure, I’ll be the one to ‘carry the can’. And you know something, in this case, that’s okay by me.
on growing older…
didn’t expect it. not sure I like it. have to get on with it. Actually, it’s not bad at all !
Being a ‘Plus’1
Being a ‘Plus 1’ unexpectedly can go either way and last night I had the pleasure of being at a company gathering in Dublin. Aside from the extremely high level of thoughtfulness that had gone into ensuring guests were looked after, what struck me the most was how ‘in sync‘ the team were. For the first time in ages, I experienced the great feeling of a company culture, that was exciting, a company ethos that didn’t need words, you felt the loyalty. Each and every person I encountered showed a genuine interest in getting to know you and just as remarkable in the true sense of that word, was the feeling of PRIDE in being part of the company at a pivotal time in the company’s re-structuring. A sense of quiet confidence which comes from excellent product quality and leadership with vision and a real desire to do what’s right for the future of its employees, just ‘doing’the right thing.’ My faith in good business practice thankfully was given a big reminder there are still great companies out there 🙂