Warmth, Daylight, Love
Some years back I’ house and cat sat’ for friends. As my cottage was due to be renovated at the time and let us say, conditions were fairly primitive, I leapt at the opportunity. Having to light a stove to heat one room in my cottage simply to keep warm and have hot water is not something I wish on anyone for a prolonged period of time.

water and warmth !
However, I digress. One morning during this house sitting gig, I awoke to a winter wonderland and stood in front of the window, basking in the natural daylight which flooded the room and and warmed me to the core. After an incredibly restorative night’s sleep, when for once I didn’t wake up with either water coming through the roof, or because of the freezing cold wind howling through my cottage, I made my way to the kitchen, luxuriating as I felt the warmth of the house underfoot, no need to huddle and shiver here as I made my first coffee of the day. The cats, rubbing gently around my legs, talking as if they too, were welcoming the new day. They’re great company, these cats, they never bother you for food, they’re good natured and love company. They just like to know you’re there and they remind me that I am not alone.
What’s my point? Gratitude, for this short burst of comfort. Gratitude, for the trust that is bestowed on me. Gratitude, for I know that even though my cottage is primitive now, it will, before too much longer, be a haven for me. Gratitude, for the experience of hardship and all this long process of waiting for my home to take shape has taught me. Gratitude too, for all the good that the hardship seems to have brought me. Gratitude, for the friendships housesitting has given me. Gratitude, for the opportunities for learning experiencing hardships I won’t go into here have taught me. Gratitude, for the experience of humiliation of business failure and relaunching myself to do what I now do, something I believe I was always meant to do. Gratitude, for life itself.