Category Archives: Uncategorized

Today I met a Firefighter

At full tide down at the 40′, you never know who you’ll get into conversation with.  I’m there, we’re chatting about the pull of the tide and the next thing, whilst we’re maintaining strict eye level contact as we discreetly peel off our wet togs and get dressed, I’m chatting to one of the nicest guys I’ve met for a long time.  Stephen O’Reilly.  Firefighter.  Instantly I like him.  Firefighters have to be good people and you know instantly when you meet someone if this is someone you want to chat with, or politely disengage!   The 40′ attracts a very correct crowd of people, in case you are wondering.

A Quick Dip in the Irish Sea by Heather McKay

A Quick Dip in the Irish Sea by Heather McKay

Now don’t misunderstand me, this post is not about attraction in that sense of the word, it’s about social dynamics.  Stephen is so enthusiastic about what he does in addition to his job as a firefighter, I find the more he talks, the more I want to hear. Anyhow, the conversation flows easily and he asks what I do, WORDS,  I say, well it’s much more than words – it’s about how we use them. It’s about who you are. Now we’re flying and I get to find out so much more about what drives Stephen and now I understand why he drives across the city to dive into the sea and make the most of one of our most wonderful natural resources.   Check out It’s a cool company, who stand by their ethics. I love the clarity of their brand ‘messaging’ and yes, Stephen is a great brand ambassador. The point of all this?  Life is one big conversation and I just love it.



‘Good, Bad, Bif, Gone’.

Something I’m reminded of every day and how we tend to make judgements based on our own preferences.  And when we have to adjust our ways of doing something, it’s extraordinary the different emotions this can bring up!  One of the fears most people have is around rejection in some shape or form.  It can stop us progressing an idea, or doing something as basic as making a phone call.  But what lies behind this fear? That’s when what I call a little bit of ‘self dialogue‘ comes into play.  A little conversation with myself to see what’s really going on with this thought process and for which, once I’ve rationalized some usually daft notion, it’s a question of ‘Good, Bad, Bif, Gone’.  Not always an easy process but one which helps me listen to my gut feelings and may well be useful for you too.  Let me explain my perhaps crazy process.  The Good/Bad is the question to myself, does thinking or spending any time at all on whatever the issue good or bad for me.  BIF, a great sounding little word with strong emotion, meaning for me ‘ Chuck it out’, if worrying or even a little moment thinking about something is not going to be in any way productive, get rid of it.  Gone marks the end of it.   Out my head, leaving space for other great thoughts to come to fruition. So that’s it. Thought for the day used for something very specific this morning. ‘Good.Bad.BIF and most definitely GONE’ !  May your day go brilliantly 🙂

it just feels right

The more I work with people whose first language is not English, the more I feel what I’m doing has a real value and the more I have to learn!

Our last workshop brought together an amazing group of people. From Syria, Poland, Korea, Spain, Italy, Venezuela and China. They arrived as strangers and left having shared their experiences, their learning, acquired new skills and as importantly, the confidence to use those skills even more.  It made me remember how difficult it was to live in another country and have to learn how to be yourself again through another language. It made me see again how all the skill in the world is worth nothing without the confidence to communicate well and use your skills effectively.

Being able to express yourself in normal every day situations enables you to be who you are. To contribute. To engage. To LIVE a fuller life.

Feeling their frustration, their impatience and seeing their desire to learn to achieve this is what fuels my need to help.  The urgency that I sense in people who have held responsible, senior positions in their own country having to do jobs, which yes, they may, just may enjoy but are well below their capabilities is palpable. As a country, as a ‘people’, as human beings we must do more.  After all, were not the Irish amongst the earlier travellers to settle in different parts of this world?

“Everything we’ve ever done and all we’re meant to do comes together in harmony with who we are. When that happens, we feel the truest expressions of ourselves.”

Have that cup of coffee with someone in your company, in your social circle who you don’t know, listen to their story.  making more time for a coffee?There is always something you can do to make them more welcome and feel at home, so maybe, they, like me, when asked that all important question “where
are you from”, they, like me can say with real warmth and a smile say “from Dublin”.  Then the conversation really begins…

Click to talk to arrange a time to talk to me

value and social media

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It’s an interesting thing when you give a free workshop.  There are many reasons for doing something like a workshop for free.  It would be human nature after all do try to minimize the amount of preparation, to try to use existing material and slides but it doesn’t work that way for me.  As I liaised with participants beforehand, particularly when they are non-native English speakers, many different thoughts are going through my mind and I make ever more changes to what I will be doing.  One thought in particular is around social media, prompted of course by the very fact that this is how most of them have found out about the program.  But how do they use social media, what do they think of it. How do they really use it for their personal life and professionally. What do they consider to be the pros and cons,  as everything has the good, the bad and sadly sometimes an ‘ugly’ side to it.  It’ll be interesting to see how people of all different ages, backgrounds and cultures view social media.  Which as we know, in some shape or form, is here to stay. As a self confessed ‘twit-nit’, it’s all good learning I suppose!

Where are you from?


Inspired by Women in Business in Fiji – where the idea for ‘Much More Than Words’ came to me !

An interesting question.  I always say ‘Dublin’ of course.  I’ve lived here for over 20 years now, first visiting some 30+ years ago.  I am immensely proud to say I am an Irish citizen and I come from Dublin.  And yet, I am a London girl at heart.  London is truly my city too as it is where I spent almost half of my life before settling in Ireland .  But hold on, I was born in Wales – but left there when I was one… and I have strong family ties in New Zealand and have been lucky enough to travel extensively and have felt welcome and a strong feeling of belonging in the most unexpected places. So I ask the question again, where are you from? Do tell, I’d love to know….

The start is just the beginning it seems.

You don’t sell…. really ?

So many people believe they can’t sell, won’t sell and as a result, don’t sell.  But we all do sell .. all of the time whether we’re aware of it or not.  Friend to friend, parent to child, amongst colleagues.  We’re in a constant flow of collaboration.  What makes each connection work even better? Quite simply, when the focus is on what we are doing for the other person, rather than what we are hoping to get out of it

Listening rather than waiting to jump in with what we anticipate what we think someone wants to hear before we’ve heard them out.  Staying silent when that’s what is needed or appropriate. Being constructive in our comments, not destructive or devastating when there is no need.

Easier said than done. Of course.  But back to selling.  For success in sales, compelling communication is crucial and developing your own style is key. When you’re more comfortable and relaxed,  people feel more inclined to engage with you.  Logical really. It’s a win/win situation.   If any of the following describe where you’re at right now, then take a look at how effectively you’re presenting. Whatever you’re working towards, whether it is a speech, a presentation, a pitch, just remember be clear about what you want people to remember. And most of all, remember…

People remember how you make them feel

Remember…The sales process is NOT about YOU. People prefer to do business with people they like.  The most important reason someone does business with you, is because of YOU and how you make your customer feel. The sales process is about how your customer feels, you  have to give clearly demonstrate  why they should buy from you.  Remember too, just because you are ready to sell something, now may not be the time for them to buy even if they want what you are offering. Give them a reason to choose YOU.  To come back to you if the time is not right.  Think about it, what sets you apart.  What can you do that makes their buying and post sales experience better than anyone else can provide.  Build that loyalty, over-deliver and you’ll deserve their business.  Fall short and someone else will fill that gap…. Fast.

Professional Self Smarter TipRemember…..You are only as good as the service you give your customers
. As well as doing a great job,  It is not enough just to do the job well, you need to over-deliver and give your customers much more in terms of service.  This is what will set you apart and creates customer loyalty. Always remember…..People remember how you make them feel.

Professional Self Smarter TipRemember…..Delivering a good service is only part of the unspoken ‘Rule of Engagement’
Ask yourself each time you meet with a customer, what worked, what can I do better next time?

Professional Self Smarter TipWhen you don’t secure a sale, there’s a good reason why…. When you’ve done your pitch and your customer is  not willing to commit, there’s every likelihood, you’ve not convinced them you’re the right choice. Perhaps there is some fear or risk attached to your customer making that commitment. Some people don’t like to say no or perhaps, the person you’ve just presented to is NOT the decision maker. Price, lack of trust or confidence, unsuitability of what you’re offering are all possible reasons for not buying from you.  All possible reasons that you could, if you had been listening or asking the right questions, have known before the end of your presentation.The real questions after an unsuccessful pitch include…….. Did I establish any level of rapport? Did I know what this customer is expecting out of my pitch? Did I ask enough to establish what their motive for buying and degree of urgency to buy before pitching? Did I make a real value proposal in light of this knowledge? If someone wants to think about your proposition, usually  they want a better price, are not the decision maker, or think they can get a better deal elsewhere. If you find yourself in this position and they want more time to ‘think about it’, ask how long do they think they need and agree a date to revisit. Ask too, what else can you do to help them decide.


Professional Self Smarter TipRemember…. People Buy from you because of YOU……

So…. You need to be liked and trusted to secure the sale. Finding your own style of presenting yourself and your company is crucial.  When you feel comfortable, you’ll communicate well and with integrity.  Then, you begin to build trust.

Professional Self Smarter TipSee Failure as an opportunity.  When you don’t get the result you anticipated, it’s a great opportunity to learn from the experience.  An experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want – and is worth it’s weight in gold !

Perhaps MOST important of all..

221-121aRemember… you have two eyes, two ears and one mouth for a reason !!

So, in the words of Oscar Wilde “Be yourself, everyone else is taken”. Develop your own style that you’re comfortable with and see your business relationships flourish. where you’ll get practical advice, build on the skills you already have, and remind yourself of skills you’ve forgotten!


Time Robbers

I love, truly love meeting new people.  Not so much in large groups.  I’m not always comfortable networking for example.  I’m more of a face to face person.  One to one to get to know someone more.  Preferably somewhere where I can actually hear what they’re saying.  Now more than ever, when we’re spending more time looking at a screen of some sort, what I’m seeing is more ‘disconnection’ and as a result a great loss at so many social levels.  So much can be misconstrued by inappropriate abbreviation in texting and emails. Paper trails may be essential for many things but even over the phone, so much more of a connection can be made when you can ‘hear’ the feeling behind what is being said. And in person, that’s where relationships are at their best. Social media has its place. It is of immense value when selectively used.   When, that is and not stealing my most valuable asset of all..


Now there is no escape. Social media is something I’ve been avoiding. Call me the ostrich.  Head in the sand. Yep. Well and truly buried.  

By nature I am not happy blowing my own trumpet and I lack the self discipline to really learn how to use the amazing social media platforms out there, which are multiplying by the minute.  So how can people get to know me, as a professional and more importantly as a person if I do not engage. Is linked in really a true representation of what we have to offer?  Are people really what they seem?  As good as they profess?  Must I really play the ‘game?  The answer is a resounding YES.  Let it be known I am a self confessed ‘TWIT-NIT’ and it’s time to challenge myself, so apologies now in advance for the inevitable blunders which will come. Time to jump into the playground, I could be the one left to play alone and that’s no fun whatsoever!


When to walk

The issue of collaboration constantly arises – regardless of company size, organisational type, in a professional or personal capacity.  Or more accurately, what is to be done when deadlines approach and you’re getting no-where fast.  For me, it’s always a tough one.  As a business coach and a trainer specialising in communication – yep, you get the picture.  BUT it has to be about the deliverables.  As the old saying goes, the show must go on and unless it is truly a question of life or death, then it’s a question of doing whatever it takes. Job done, then it’s time to withdraw and stop ‘sweeping water uphill with a rake’. I do my best to separate the behaviour from the person, as who knows what’s been going on in the life of the perhaps unwitting saboteur.  But hold on, shouldn’t that work both ways?  It’s been a tough week and I’m relieved that my sister is ok….  Perspective. Perspective. Perspective.

human capital..?

So much is written about companies investing in their staff.  They pay huge (sometimes well earned) recruitment fees to find the right employees.  Then pay for them to move countries often, settle their families and then – it’s a case of sink or swim.  People, that’s all of us. People are assets.  People are what companies invest in. But to what degree?  How much practical help is given to non native English Speaking International Employees?  How quickly are they able to integrate, engage and actively contribute and belong?  Language competency in a language that is not your own is only one part of the equation, having the confidence to use it is another, making a real connection is where the magic happens. Only when a person feels comfortable will they begin to fully integrate. Only when they fully integrate can they engage.  Only when they can engage will they contribute fully to their team and their company.

If this post resonates with you, either as an HR Professional, or an international employee,I’d love to hear your views.  You can also contact me directly to hear more about how Much More than Words can help.