Our emotions shape us, influence us. Dr. Annette Clancy shares invaluable insights.
Click here for how to join the conversation on the 18th January 2017 in Dublin.

the first of our Breakfast Meetings for 2017 with Dr. Annette Clancy of UCD
Our emotions shape us, influence us. Dr. Annette Clancy shares invaluable insights.
Click here for how to join the conversation on the 18th January 2017 in Dublin.
the first of our Breakfast Meetings for 2017 with Dr. Annette Clancy of UCD
Being a ‘Plus 1’ unexpectedly can go either way and last night I had the pleasure of being at a company gathering in Dublin. Aside from the extremely high level of thoughtfulness that had gone into ensuring guests were looked after, what struck me the most was how ‘in sync‘ the team were. For the first time in ages, I experienced the great feeling of a company culture, that was exciting, a company ethos that didn’t need words, you felt the loyalty. Each and every person I encountered showed a genuine interest in getting to know you and just as remarkable in the true sense of that word, was the feeling of PRIDE in being part of the company at a pivotal time in the company’s re-structuring. A sense of quiet confidence which comes from excellent product quality and leadership with vision and a real desire to do what’s right for the future of its employees, just ‘doing’the right thing.’ My faith in good business practice thankfully was given a big reminder there are still great companies out there 🙂
A recent study showed 4 out of 8 men would NOT push themselves forward for a job promotion for which they were more or less able to do, compared with 6 out of 8 women. Combine this with the way in which women consistently under-estimate their skills and small wonder that there are so few women in leadership roles. Time are changing, however, it is still food for thought…….
With family on the other side of the world, I often read their national newspapers on line just to see what’s going on. Quite often there are similarities in trends, research and events and it helps to get a different perspective on what are common human issues. Take for example, a recent survey carried out by Ernst & Young on Productivity in the Workplace. The New Zealand Herald reports (June 10th) that being treated badly in the workplace and poor communication were the biggest obstacles to increasing output. Whilst some time was spent on social media during work hours, waiting on other people and time spent on unecessary emailing accounted for an average of one hour and nine minutes time being wasted daily. What workers want it appears to be universal. Workers want more effective management, more motivation and more recognition. The question is if what workers want is seemingly so simple, why is it so difficult to get it right?