How you communicate says something about YOU
Write it right. Say it right. Careless misuse of grammar, spelling mistakes all give out a message about you. Maybe it implies you cannot spell, maybe it says you were in too much of a hurry to give due care to a written proposal.
Maybe it says you are not the right person to do business with…
Beware. Be Aware. On the web, in the mail. once written and posted it’s out there. Immediately. Out there and out of your control.There are techniques to ease stress and help you present better.
Make sure what you write is what you mean to say. Ensure your message gets through, using language and content that is appropriate to the medium and audience. What you’re communicating has to be of interest, of value. Succinct, short and sweet, valid and valuable. Expectaons are high and to build real customer loyalty, every business, regardless of size, needs to give more than their customers expect, better still when the customer least expects it.
Get to the Point quickly and effectively with our Kickstart Smarter Skills Workshops to deliver a higher level of customer service and see performance improve.
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