Make no mistake, the reality of the workplace today is that international employees are expected to be able to contribute effectively to their teams and within the organisation FAST. Usually within a very short time of starting in their new job or if they have been there a while and have been promoted, of taking up a new role. Their company expects them to be able to communicate competently and confidently with colleagues and clients.
Employees who do are in many cases quickly recognised, rewarded and often promoted. Those who simply keep their heads down and work hard are often overlooked, their abilities under-estimated and their contribution under-valued and their potential also overlooked.
The very fact that they are employed in many instances because of their native language abilities and may be talking for most of the day in their own language, or languages other than English sometimes, just sometimes is easily forgotten.
And yet, English is the most used language of international business and frequently the common language amongst a multi-cultural workforce.
What’s my point here?
The point is that no matter how well you may understand English, be able to work in English, the more confident a communicator you are, the more you will gain out of your life professionally and personally.
The more proficient you become, the sooner you can integrate more fully, engage with your colleagues and within your community and contribute more effectively.
This makes for a happier and satisfying life for you too, as well as for your company and the company’s customers too. For business owners, the same applies : happier clients and happier staff.
Effective communicators save time and confident communicators connect more easily, whether it is on a one to one basis or many.
Why is this so important?
Clear communication means more effective collaboration. Better collaboration means things get done faster, usually better with less mistakes or misunderstandings. Which means the bottom line for a company, their profit margins are higher !!
But it’s not as easy as it sounds, is it? When you’re a non-native English speaker just finding your feet in a new country, in a new environment, everything can be difficult and extremely challenging. We know this and it is why I began to think how to help and with Andrea Goldman, we’ve developed the Much More Than Words integrated approach to language learning which also tackles the issue of confident communication in the workplace. What it does for professionals is to:
- Improve your command of English, to help you know how to use the language appropriately and effectively.
- To understand how to communicate your message, spoken or written in the way in which it can produce the best outcome.
- And develop your own personal style, which we call your own ‘conversational style’, so that you can talk naturally, feel comfortable and present with confidence.

If you’re in HR, I’d love to have your feedback
There is a full Professional Development Program available and it starts with the Essential Core of Communication. No matter how much technology advances… we all love to talk and be heard.. Feedback and all views welcome 🙂