Tag Archives: human rights

Food for the MIND

A real conversation. A rarity these days it seems. The disappearing art of conversation on the Dart as mobile phones take control

Yesterday I had the best half hour of conversation for a long time.  My journey into town on on the dart (our super little train) set the positive tone for my day. As I sat down, Kryptonite lock in hand, the gentleman seated opposite remarked on my lock and so begin the most fantastic exchange. We spoke of life, of politics, of travel, the current housing crisis, food waste, ecological issues, of education, human rights. It was a breakfast for the mind. Real Mindfood. As people lose themselves in the faceless, impersonal world of social media, reading the latest book on some device or another, catch up with ‘life’, or rather other peoples lives through the brilliantly created apps that are geared to portray snapshots and snippets of a world beyond our reach, here on the train I was enjoying HUMAN CONTACT, dialogue of the highest order. Funny, intelligent, engaging real life topical conversation with a perfect stranger. Only as I was getting off the train and the doors closed behind me, did I join the dots.  Tom was homeless. Tom gave me something priceless.  He gave me much more than mere words. From the bottom of my heart, I thank him. He gave me more than he will ever know.

(Tom is not his real name)